Alain Godon at the Palais de l’Europe

Exhi­bi­tion from 16 to 24 April 1994

This was Alain Godon’s first ever “pro­fes­sional” exhi­bi­tion and he chose the volu­mi­nous Palais de L’Europe in Le Tou­quet Paris-​Plage in France to show off his large-​sized paint­ings. He met with a total and resound­ing suc­cess — not one sin­gle piece returned to his stu­dio! Estab­lished gallery owner, Régis Dor­val attended the event and two years later he extended an invi­ta­tion to Alain to exhibit in his gallery.

Events from 1994 to 1999

  • 1998-12-la-tour-cardinaux
  • 1999-04-le-tour-cardinaux
  • 1999-09-krix
  • 1999-10-jardins-arts