Robert Bartoux

  • Ely­sees Gallery, New York, USA

Alain Godon, my friend …

Head in the stars, liv­ing a dizzy­ing life to the full, Alain is first and fore­most a man who is grounded with his feet firmly rooted in the heath­land of “our” birth­place, Berry. Our long and true friend­ship has pro­vided us with many long and delight­ful qual­ity moments together, more than is com­mon in an ordi­nary busi­ness relationship.

Never­the­less this “Berri­chon” potato galette [a culi­nary spe­cial­ity of Berry] was to prove to be only one step away from becom­ing a Fifth Avenue hot dog. we were pleased to be able to organ­ise with him his first big New York exhi­bi­tion in our art gallery on Cen­tral Park South; an exhi­bi­tion which could hon­estly only be described as a resound­ing suc­cess. By way of his tal­ent and the pre­ci­sion with which he views not only the world but also him­self, Alain has man­aged to appeal to an Amer­i­can clien­tele. A clien­tele which is quick to dis­cern that behind the artist’s unset­tling tech­ni­cal abil­ity is this pro­vok­ing, can­did and accu­rate analy­sis of our egos, our desires and our excesses.
There is no need to embroi­der upon Alain Godon’s tal­ent; the works of this great artist do but reflect a man who is both excep­tional and big-​hearted and for whom friend­ship, loy­alty and sin­cer­ity are val­ues he stands by in a life which, unbe­knownst to him, has already set him on a path that will take him to greater heights.

Robert Bar­toux