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Testimonial of Mr Lansberg
Lansberg Gallery, Paris, France

Testimonial of Mr Lansberg

Photo left: Pascal Lansberg and Alain Godon, friends forever


A winter in Bali


When I first met Alain Godon, I was struck by his generosity, his whacky sense of humour and his great sensitivity.


During my first visit to his studio, I was to discover these same radiant qualities transcribed lavishly on to his canvases.  


I determined to send him to an artist’s studio in Bali during the winter, convinced of his ability to immerse himself in other cultures. I was not to be disappointed.


Alain completed a series of thirty colourful oil paintings.  Each work chronicled its own little story, showing the wonderful people of Indonesia from a new and fresh perspective.


Over the course of time, and having shared some exceptional moments together, we have become great friends, and I am only too pleased to have had the opportunity to share in his love of travel.


His success is not attributable to luck but to his love of painting and of painting the times in which he lives. 



Pascal Lansberg

Lansberg Gallery, Paris, France