• Recent events
  • Exec­u­tive Mag­a­zine — Decem­ber 2014

Alain Godon and Miami City

Event in Feb­ru­ary 2015

The city of Miami chose images of selected works by Alain Godon to illus­trate the 2015 edi­tion of the Miami Beach City Report. The report’s launch cer­e­mony, in part­ner­ship with Exec­u­tive Mag­a­zine, was held in the pres­ence of Philip Levine, mayor of Miami, and other well-​known city personalities.

Vidéo de cette inauguration

With his sig­na­ture style, the inter­na­tional French artist Alain Godon was com­mis­sioned by the City of Miami Beach to cre­ate the graphic art for this report depict­ing so many of Miami Beach’s sites and buildings.

Other events in 2014 and 2015

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  • 2014-12-executive-magazine-small
  • 2015-02-poster-markowicz-small
  • 2015-07-milani
  • Bildo-Markowicz-Fine-Art-2016-medium
  • affiche-artup2016-medium
  • context-ny-2017-medium
  • poster-artup
  • poster-bloch