Godon around the world in eighty works

Markow­icz Gallery, 12 Feb­ru­ary and 1 March 2015

The gallery staged a ret­ro­spec­tive exhi­bi­tion cov­er­ing Alain Godon’s trav­els through­out the United States — New York, Miami, Den­ver, Los Ange­les — as well as Paris and Lon­don. Eighty works by the artist were on dis­play, includ­ing two new oil paint­ings of the Tower of Big Ben in Lon­don (“Help!”) and the ocean liner France approach­ing New York (“The Hud­son River Sirens”).

Vidéo de cette inauguration

Contin­u­ing the archi­tec­tural theme, which he started in 2006, his exhi­bi­tion “Around The World In Eighty Works” show­cased his new sculp­tures – iconic mon­u­ments of the world’s most vis­ited sites.

Other events in 2014 and 2015

  • 2014-07-birdie
  • 2014-12-executive-magazine-small
  • 2015-02-poster-markowicz-small
  • 2015-07-milani
  • Bildo-Markowicz-Fine-Art-2016-medium
  • affiche-artup2016-medium
  • context-ny-2017-medium
  • poster-artup
  • poster-bloch