Alain Godon at the Dor­val Gallery

Exhi­bi­tion from 13 Feb­ru­ary to 28 March 1998

This was Alain Godon’s very first exhi­bi­tion in the new Dor­val gallery, pre­vi­ously based in the rue Esquer­moise in Lille, France. Alain’s most recent paint­ings were show­cased here and included “Le menu”, “Le secré­taire”, “L’arnaque”, “Déesse”, “La pizza”, “La sole”, “Le steak frites”, “L’œuf frites”, “La salade”, “50 ans jour de fête”, “Un thé au Sahara” and “Le marin”.

Events from 1994 to 1999

  • 1998-12-la-tour-cardinaux
  • 1999-04-le-tour-cardinaux
  • 1999-09-krix
  • 1999-10-jardins-arts