Alain Godon at the Tour des Cardinaux

Exhi­bi­tion Decem­ber 1998

This was Alain Godon’s first group exhi­bi­tion at the Tour des Car­dinaux gallery in L’Isle-sur-La-Sorgue in France. His works here were on an ani­mal theme and included “Les cro­cos”, “Le zèbre”, “Le petit cheval”, “La grande”, “Colombo”, “Le rhino bleu”, “Le rhino rouge”, “L’éléphant bleu”, “L’éléphant rouge” and “Le rat boy”.

Events from 1994 to 1999

  • 1998-12-la-tour-cardinaux
  • 1999-04-le-tour-cardinaux
  • 1999-09-krix
  • 1999-10-jardins-arts