Here is my life, per­haps my death bed.”

  • Dated: Jan­u­ary 2014
  • Media: La Voix du Nord

Here is my life, per­haps my death bed

I ‘d always heard about Le Tou­quet from my grand­fa­ther who came from ‘Le Nord’. I was born in ‘Le Berry’ but as an ado­les­cent, the first thing I did was to come up to ‘Le Nord’ to dis­cover my roots. I took on sea­sonal jobs, all the while paint­ing on the side, and was spot­ted by a gallery”. Since then Alain Godon has trav­elled, a lot, and is increas­ingly becom­ing the” lit­tle dar­ling” of art deal­ers. He lives in Lon­don, exhibits in Miami, New York, Las Vegas… “Of course over there they haven’t heard of Le Tou­quet, this cor­ner of ‘Le Nord’, but I have always con­tin­ued to paint this mag­i­cal place, this incred­i­ble place, my Eldo­rado. Hair in the wind, his career as an artist will con­tinue with the nee­dle of his com­pass unfail­ingly point­ing towards ‘Le Nord’. Happy to bring Bernard Buffet’s works here for exhi­bi­tion by the end of the year, he claims to “frankly be in love”: “Le Tou­quet is my life, my friends. It’s the morn­ing encounter with the one-​eyed seal – I swear it’s true-​, the flight of the wild geese – the beat­ing of their wings min­gling with the sound of their breath. The longer it goes on, the more I say to myself that may almost buy a place here to die.”

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  • Jan­u­ary 2014
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